What to do with your post-holiday plants- Part 2. Amaryllis!
The life cycle of this plant sort of has 3 stages; it's growing leaves in late summer, then resting, then regrowth and bloom in winter. Right now, your gorgeous specimen is likely in bloom!
During bloom, think "warmth and water"---give it bright indirect light and water it thoroughly (and let drain!) when the top of the soil is dry. Remove the faded flowers promptly, as you don't want it to go to seed. Leave the stalks until they turn yellow because they are still doing a job (photosynthesis). When stalks are yellow, cut it about a half inch to an inch above the bulb with sharp scissors or blade.
When top 2 inches of soil dries, give it a water. Keep soil slightly damp but not soaking wet. Fertilize every 3 weeks or so with 1/2 strength houseplant fertilizer.
In spring. when there is no longer any frost danger and the nighttime temperatures stay consistently above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, your amaryllis will be the happiest outdoors. Gradually adapt the plant to its outdoor location. Amaryllis should get at least six hours of sunlight daily, ideally a location with dappled sun. It will require watering more frequently due to being outdoors. Stop fertilizing in late summer, as it prepares for dormancy, and bring it in when you bring in your other plants (when temps dip below 50 at night)
I will update you in the fall with the 2 different approaches that you can take to get it to rebloom.